Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder or PCOD is a common phenomenon affecting one in every 10 women with the incidence rates steadily increasing. The average age group of a woman diagnosed with PCOS has gone down. One can blame the current lifestyle, stress or genetic predisposition to be some of the important factors contributing to it. “Just when I had completed my treatment for PCOS and was emerging out of it successfully, my medicines started to take a toll on me. No sooner did I realize this than I had gained weight. With THC, I reversed it all”, says Kinjal, a modest yet confident working woman.

Let’s see what she has got to share with us. “I was always keen about keeping my body is the best possible shape. When I discovered that I had PCOD, I immediately started working towards it. I was quite lucky that my condition wasn’t that aggressive and started resolving quickly. However, the medicines left their residual effects which weren’t very desirable. On a nice Sunday afternoon, as I went shopping with my friends and tried on a beautiful dress, I was dismayed. My regular size didn’t fit me anymore. There comes a moment where you realize that enough is enough and that things have to be changed. This was my moment. I came across The Healthy Company through an Instagram advertisement. Losing weight without strenuous exercise- this was exactly what I was looking for. I went for a One-week detox trial pack at first and liked the results. Soon I ordered another and found myself falling in love with the Lean Green tea and its effects. Today, I can proudly say that I have successfully lost 8 kgs. I am finally able to fit in into my old dresses and honestly, there is no better happiness for a woman than adorning herself in a dress she desires the most.”

Well, that one dress got Kinjal quite far. What was her diet like? Kinjal was always and food lover like most of us but she wasn’t much of a junk food junkie. Her day started with a light breakfast like fat-free parathas or upma. We personally feel that Indian breakfast items are the best when it comes to a diet-based weight loss. For lunch, she often had a chapatti or two with a bowl full of vegetables and a cup of curd. She had similar food items for dinner as well. She made it a point to never delay her dinner timings. She started consuming the Lean Green Tea twice a day. She didn’t completely cut down on carbs, instead, she consumed them in the right quantity. As days passed, she found herself in a much better place.
There’s nothing that a good diet cannot do. Trust us, it can make wonders happen. Many women like Kinjal have made it happened. At THE HEALTHY COMPANY, we take pride in women like Kinjal.To be honest we attribute her success to her consistency and the unwavering determination that she has displayed. Ladies, you aren’t alone in your battle against weight loss. Join the club of over 5,000 healthy women by subscribing to our health plan today.